Indriya Indriya, Badri Badri, Swesti Anjampiana Bentri


This study focuses on the creation of research-based works of art as well as economic value. The work created is a batik work with the Pesona Covid Endorphin motif which is motivated by the conditions of the covid 19 outbreak, also providing innovations for batik motifs in conditions that occur in Indonesia. It is hoped that the development of this batik motif can be used as the basis for making new products to help the community's economy. The method of creating works of art has three stages, namely experimentation, reflection, and realization. From this method, the author will develop the Covid endorphin charm batik motif into new products that have edusyiarpreneur content. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, and creator theory with an attempt to describe the reconstruction of Islamic education values in batik motifs. Data was collected through observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation, and analyzed descriptively. The authors found this in the reconstruction of the value of Islamic education which can be applied to a batik motif. The philosophies that can be applied to Islamic education motifs or decorations include, (1) transforming Islamic education in an applicative way through its batik motifs (education); (2) Education is characterized by the value of the teachings of the ulama (syiar), (3) The existence of batik as an ancestral cultural heritage should be preserved, as a result of education, da'wah as well as economic value (preneur).


Appearance and Meaning, Batik, Edusyiarpreneur, Covid-19

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453