Product and service quality is one of the factors that affect customer loyalty. With the products produced with good quality and the services provided with good quality, there will be an increasing number of customers for drinking water from Perumda Tirta Terubuk Bengakalis. This study aims to determine how the influence of the level of product and service quality on customer loyalty and how the form of quality and service is viewed from the perspective of Islam. This research is a quantitative research. The population of this research is 4,027 customers formulated with the slovin formula, so it becomes 100 respondents. The sampling technique used is random sampling, the sample in this study is a sampling technique where all individuals in the population either individually or together to be selected as sample members. Data was collected using questionnaires, library documentation and interviews. The data obtained were then processed and analyzed using the SPSS 23 application. The data analysis techniques used were validity test, data reliability, normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear test, t test, f test and coefficient of determination. The results of the study show that the results of the t-test analysis of product quality are 4.050 > 1.98, for service are 4.615 > 1.98, the value of f = 22.802 > 2.69, the results of the coefficient of determination (R2) are indicated by the coefficient R (RSquare) 0.170). This shows the understanding that the quality of products and services on customer loyalty is influenced by 32%. While the remaining 68% (100%-32%) is explained by other reasons
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32507/ajei.v13i1.1186
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