Ulfat Ahmad Nurlette, Ahmad Sobari, Ahmad Mulyadi Kosim


Types of financial institutions in Indonesia under Law No. 10 1998 is divided into non-bank financial institutions and banks. Financial institutions consist of commercial banks and rural banks (BPR) with conventional and Islamic establishment, which serves as a collector of funds from the public and channel them back to the community in the form of loans, while non-bank financial institutions consist of leasing, insurance, mortgage, card credit, capital market and other functioning credit channel (productive and consumptive) to the public. The role of Islamic banking in the economy is still relatively small, there are some constraints in marketing targets. Departing from some of these problems, it is necessary to focus on business strategy with a certain core competence as well as strengthening the competitiveness of the base operating system to expand the distribution system lending. Pawn sharia (Ar-Rahn) is a contract debts by making goods that have value as a guarantee that the person concerned can take debt. Ar-Rahn payment system proved able to attract people of the city of Bogor in obtaining financing process fast, practical and reassuring.
Various efforts made in improving the quality of banking products, Bank BJB Syariah 2010 issued a Gold Pawn product, which aims to cater to individual needs of society as well as improve the performance of the bank itself.
Thus, this study aims to determine how the Bank BJB S Syariah conduct marketing strategy in marketing the product pledge of gold, and whether the implementation of the strategy is able to influence the development of the number of customers at Bank BJB Syariah Cabang Bogor. This study uses primary data from interviews with Gold Pawn Manager systematically to obtain data and information, as well as the use of secondary data from literature, books, and other sources relevant to this article.
From these results, that the marketing strategy undertaken by Bank BJB Syariah Cabang Bogor is Product Strategy, Pricing Strategy, Location Strategy, Promotion and Service strategy. So it is known that the product marketing strategy of gold pawn at Bank BJB Syariah Cabang Bogor is able to influence the development of the number of customers, is evidenced by the achievement of targets and an increase in turnover of Islamic business and growth of number of customers from year to year is increasing, and the way of promotion through verbal media is the best strategy to attract customers and increase revenues of the bank itself to pawn their gold at the Bank BJB Syariah Cabang Bogor, thus affecting the income of banks.


marketing strategy, islamic pawning, Bank BJB Syariah Cabang Bogor

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453