Ahmad Musyaddad


The Government of chalip Abu Bakar is a Qudwah in managing of fiscal policy. Then, Abu Bakar is able to create the balance between of inland revenue and government’s expenditure and avoid from budget of deficit. The blessing which is reached by Abu Bakar, It is one of them is caused by income of aggregate the inland revenue  sourced from  lawful property. Inland revenue at that time was consisted of primary source, like zakah, khumus, jizyah, and kharaj.  While the another income is like usyr, kafarat, nawaib, amwal fadhla, hadiah,  ransom and many things. Generally, this sources is not different with source of inland revenue in Rasulullah Pbuh’s era. In managing the state of revenue, Abu Bakar optimized the role of Baitul Maal. In any case of Baitul maal wealth distribution, Abu Bakar applied a concept of balancing budget where all of the income directly distributed without any reserve. So that, when he passed away, the only thing that leftover was one diham in the state treasury.


Abu Bakar, fiscal.

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453