Siti Sa'adah


Islam permits the collateral in debts. Collateral as a means trust among borrowers and the bank. This transaction ever undertaken by the Prophet Muhammad to the Jews. And the transaction is commonly known in our society as mortgage or rahn. This paper aims to determine the implementation of rahn contract on gold at PT. BPRS Amanah Ummah in 2011. The results showed that the process of implementation of the contract is that the customer comes to the bank with the photo copy of identity along with the original one, and carry items that will be pledged collateral in the form of gold. It could be gold jewelry, coins, and in the form of gold bullion. Further requirements are given to employees who handle rahn to do valuation of goods in order to determine loan amount and the rent to be paid by the customer (rahin). If the customer agreed to that condition, then the subsequent, signing of the contract and take the money. Next, the customer pays the rent directly to the bank employees and customers obtain the letter of evidence of rahn. If the customer would pay off or extend it, then a letter of evidence should be brought back. Execution pawning goods in case the customer defaults, i.e. by selling the collateral. The procedure is that the customer is told in advance that the pawning goods will be sold, and the customer is authorized to sell themselves, accompanied by a bank employee, or it could be sold by the bank with the permission of the customer. If there is an excess of the goods’ price, then the bank must return the rest to the customer. And if the sale of the item sale price does not cover the debt to the bank, the customer must pay off the remaining debt to the bank.


rahn, PT. BPRS Amanah Ummah, gold

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453