Magfirah Maulidia Putri, Hendri Tanjung, Hilman Hakiem


Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk is a new creative financing in productive waqf program. The presence of CWLS is the result of the initiation of the Productive Waqf Forum to support the development of the potential for cash waqf in Indonesia that has not been maximized. BI as a mediator between BWI and the Ministry of Finance is collaborating to combine cash waqf and sukuk which will result in risk-free investment. Indonesia as the largest Muslim majority population in the world has a high interest in world investment, that Indonesia is one of the fastest growing countries in the issuance of sukuk. This shows a huge untapped potential. Especially based on data published in the 2018 CAF World Giving Index, Indonesia is ranked first in terms of generosity. This data reinforces that social finance and Islamic public finance can be improved to help others. To get out of the world ranking as the 92nd happiest country, its population must be supported by increasing the economic development of the Ummah. CWLS is the right solution, but since the launch of this instrument, the government has not been able to implement the management of CWLS so that the benefits have not been felt by the community. Then what makes this sharia public instrument not collected optimally. If you look at the potential that exists from various perspectives both in Islamic finance, Islamic social finance, the majority of religions and human behavior, this is not yet in harmony with world investment and investment in the hereafter. Therefore, the author chose the Analytic Network Process (ANP) with the problem-solution method, to identify problems, solutions, and strategies according to the perspective of experts, practitioners in maximizing funds in order to create the implementation of CWLS management.


Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk, Community Economic Development, Analytic Network Process (ANP)

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453