Dwi Mutiara Sari, Muhammad Iqbal Fasa, Suharto Suharto


Mobile Banking or commonly known as m-banking is treated as one of the most important banking information system services capable of producing financial information, which includes balance checks, fund transfers, credit card bill information, bill payments, and so on through a capable tool. Wireless internet. It is important for customers to have facilities in obtaining financial information and making transactions online, without having to visit the bank where they are customers. When customers feel satisfied by two things, namely the speed in obtaining financial information as well as the accuracy and ease in carrying out mobile banking transaction activities, the purpose of m-banking services as a value-added banking information system will be achieved. Conversely, if customers do not feel satisfied in terms of the privacy security of the mobile banking application, it can lead to negative perceptions of customers about the services that are available, so that it can be said to be one of the risks of using mobile banking services. Therefore, it is important to maintain and improve the confidentiality of customers through the privacy of the mobile banking application so that customers can remain calm in using the service.


Benefits, Risks, Mobile Banking

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453