Nabilatul Amaliyah, Maslahah Maslahah, M. Rizal Leviansyah, Moch. Wahyu Pramuja, Lilik Rahmawati


Cash waqf in Indonesia has enormous potential if it can be developed properly. In addition, because in recent years technology and the phenomenon of digitalization have developed very rapidly, this is a reason to accelerate the transformation of cash waqf to become digital-based. This journal was created with the aim of exploring the transformation of the development and implementation of digital cash waqf in Indonesia. The research was carried out in the literature with secondary data techniques. So it can be seen that the development and transformation of digital cash waqf began in 2012, namely when the DSN-MUI issued a fatwa regarding cash waqf. So that since then cash waqf began to bloom in the community and widely known. Technology and the phenomenon of digitalization are the reasons for accelerating the transformation of cash waqf, which we can now pay anywhere and anytime. In recent years, various institutions have started competing to create digital-based cash waqf. The implementation of digital money waqf on several platforms or waqf institutions takes advantage of technological advances and the internet. So that they provide the convenience of waqf such as through social media, websites, or even in the form of applications. In addition, the wakif can also choose the waqf program and payment method he wants. This is expected to facilitate waqf in waqf so that in the next time it can attract the interest of the wider community to waqf and can increase and grow rapidly.


cash waqf, digital, implementation, waqf institution, potential.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32507/ajei.v13i1.986


Copyright (c) 2022 Nabilatul Amaliyah, Maslahah Maslahah, M. Rizal Leviansyah, Moch. Wahyu Pramuja, Lilik Rahmawati

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453