Implementation of Productive Waqf in Jogokariyan Mosque Perspective of Law No. 41 of 2004

Kholid Hidayat, Eka Rustiana


Waqf, like zakat, infaq, and alms, emphasizes collective tasks and responsibilities and promotes social security from economic progress. The productive waqf paradigm uses waqf assets and production management to create a group of entrepreneurs. UU no. 41 of 2004 encourages renewing and expanding waqf items' administration to maximize Indonesia's waqf potential. Yogyakarta's Jogokariyan Mosque's productive waqf administration affects Kampung Jogokariyan's social and economic life. Field researchers interviewed the caretakers of the Jogokariyan Mosque, Jln Jogokaryan No. 36, Mantrijeron District, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Sharia-compliant banks like Bank Mandiri Syariah manage fruitful waqf. Ummah (public) renewal is also practiced. Mosque management learning with a modern social media-based recruitment strategy that reflects the professional nazhir waqf. This is because the mosque manager publishes financial and aspirational reports and consults with the mosque administration and Jogokariyan Yogakarta village community. UU 41 of 2004 governs waqf at the Jogokariyan Mosque.


Waqf, Law, Sharia Principle

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Mizan, p-ISSN: 2598-974X, e-ISSN: 2598-6252

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