Muhamad Ramdani, Hendri Tanjung


Low profit‐and‐loss sharing (PLS) financing in Islamic banking has become a classic problem which has not been given proportional attention by practitioners as well as academicians. This study analyzes the problems of persistence low PLS financing in Indonesia’s Islamic banking and proposes alternative solutions using Analytic Network Process (ANP) method. The root causes of low PLS financing can be grouped into three aspects, namely 1) Internal problems, which include human resources technical, upper management aspects; 2) System conditions, which include conventional bank domination, unsupportive environment and competition; and 3) Externalities which include society, the authorities and customers. The results show that the primary problems come from: 1) Human Resource (Interrnal); 2) Top Management (Internal); 3) Conventional Institutional (System); and 4) Authority (Eksternal). In more detail, the primary problems are: 1) Lack of Knowledge of the Human Resource; 2) Lack of Commitment of the Authority; 3) Product; 4) Business Oriented of the Top Management; and 5) Conventional Competition on Products. The primary solutions are: 1) Reward of the Human Resource; 2) Product Inovation of the Conventional Institutional; and 3) Regulation of the Authority. Meanwhile, strategies that should be prioritized are: 1) Product Development; 2) Fair Treatment; 3) Service Improvement; and 4) Market Mapping. Furthermore, the levels of agreements among respondents (Kendall’s W) are generally low, with Islamic bankers show higher rater agreement than that of Experts. However, the priority of choices shows greater agreement among respondents, especially among Islamic bankers.


ANP, Islamic Banking, Profit‐and‐Loss Sharing

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453