Siti Rahmawati Arifin


The market is a place where sellers and buyers meet, where sellers and buyers interact with goods and services in the market. Sellers and buyers are not influenced by the market because it is a perfectly competitive market. The Islamic market mechanism is a market that existed at the time of the Prophet and the Islamic market here is more concerned with ethics and morals in bermuamalah. The market mechanism is without government intervention unless there are things that the government really needs, such as price hikes, the government will come down directly to overcome this. One of the figures of economic thought who discusses the market mechanism is Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Khaldun. The market mechanism according to Ibn Taymiyyah is that the price in the market is influenced by demand and supply. The government is fair to all people and thinks about market players so that it does not only think about the buyers of goods but also the sellers so that it is balanced. Meanwhile, according to Ibn Khaldun, there are four factors which, according to Ibn Khaldun, can influence the process of the market mechanism, namely price theory, value theory, work specialization and the state.



Market Mechanism, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Khaldun

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Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, p-ISSN: 2087-2178, e-ISSN: 2579-6453