Mardhiyah Mardhiyah, M Dahlan, Tjetjep Suhandi


The purpose of this study was to describe strategies of teachers to improve students motivation in class VII on the subjects of Quran and Hadith and to know what kind of supporting and inhibiting factors to improve students motivation class VII at MTs Negeri Kota Bogor in the Academic year 2017-2018. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used in this study are inteviews, observations, and document. The data gained from the field, then be analyzed deductively.Based on the results of research and data analysis has been done, it can be concluded that strategies on the subjects of Quran Hadits at MTs Negeri Kota Bogor, teachers implementing several strategies: introduction, do a test of reading Al-Qur'an, conveying learning steps, learning habits, pre-instructional, rewards and punishment, varied methods, and evaluation or reflection at the end of learning.The supporting factors that motivate students in learning Al-Qur'an Hadith from adequate school facilities, and student input almost 90% can read the Qur'an and the surrounding classroom and the clean and neat so that makes children comfortable in learning. And the inhibiting factor is the lack of parental participation in monitoring student learning at home. Lack of adequate facilities: such as student handbooks that support the learning process.The solution that teachers do when experiencing inhibiting factors is teacher took the initiative to lend e-books to facilitate learners learn, doing a good approach with students and with parents of children related to the development of children in learning.


Teacher’s Strategy, Learning Motivation, Qur’an and Hadith Subjects.

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