Khairul Umam, Kamalludin Kamalludin


Delivering Islamic educational materials can be delivered with the art of music, not to mention dangdut music. In the hands of Rhoma Irama, music is not only as a media entertainer, but has the meaning of life, which is related to the God, as well as good relationship to others, akidah as well akhlak. Therefore, this research is done by formulating two problems, namely the theme of what is contained in the Rhoma Irama songs and akidah akhlak value in it. This research is library research which is done using a theory akidah and akhlak perspective by Hamka. The primary data used is the whole of the Rhoma Irama songs which contains the value of akidah akhlak, which amounted to 78 songs by taking sample of 14 songs that best suits the object of research. Data collected, sorted, and interpreted, then concluded according to hamka’s perspective. This study found, that the theme of Rhoma Irama songs contains about the value of Islamic education in terms of akidah akhlak. The theme akidah discusses the problem of faith, while akhlak discuss about human relationships with others. This study also found, that Rhoma Irama songs contained the value of akidah akhlak. The value of faith that contains beliefs to God, doomsday, and takdir based rukun iman, is contained in the song Laa ilaaha illallah, Buta Tuli, Sebujur Bangkai, Roda Kehidupan, Pesta pasti Berakhir, Hari Berbangkit, and Ingkar. As for the akhlak values that describe the good relationship to others, are contained in the song Saleha, Kita Adalah Satu, Narkoba, Ghibah, Keramat, Kurang Garam, and Ukhuwah


values, Islamic education, song

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Fikrah, p-ISSN: 2599-1671, e-ISSN: 2599-168X