Khansa Syafiqah


This research aims to map the teaching of Arabic language in MAN 1 Kota Bogor. Arabic language teaching problems revolve around motivation and student learning interest in Arabic language learning. The condition is added with differences in their knowledge and learning experiences because of their different educational backgrounds. Another problem that arises is the means of supporting facities Arabic language bracket and its utilization. In addition, non-uniform and non-standard teacher competencies in the teaching process. And then have an impact on their methodological abilities in teaching Arabic in the classroom. On the other hand, the lack of study time in schools makes it difficult to develop the teaching of Arabic language more broadly, added with the difficulty of creating strong language environments in schools. All these issues are related to each other and require a comprehensive and sustainable solution. This research uses classroom action research on class X MAN 1 Kota Bogor. From direct observation through pre-cycle action research, method used by Arabic subject teachers who have not fully prioritize the interest of learning Arabic students can be known. The existence of such a thing is one of the solutions by using cooperative learning methods of team games tournament type (TGT). Application of these methods in order to increase student’s interest in learning, especially on the subjects of Arabic. The results showed cooperative learning type of team games tournament (TGT) can increase interest in learning Arabic language students in class X IPS 4 MAN 1 Kota Bogor. The increase of student’s learning interest on the learning in groups from cycle I, cycle II and cycle III are as follows: In Cycle I, the percentage of learner activity 47% in cycle II increased to 64.71% and cycle III increased to 80%. And the increase of the percentage of student’s learning interest from cycle I to cycle II increased by 17.71% and the increase of the percentage of student learning interest from cycle II to cycle III also increased by 15.29%


Bahasa Arab, Minat Belajar, TGT

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Fikrah, p-ISSN: 2599-1671, e-ISSN: 2599-168X